Company and our stakeholders

Our stakeholders

Through dialogue with our stakeholders, we learn to respond to their expectations more effectively. This chart identifies our key stakeholders, their concerns and how we engage with them. In the course of our business activities, we come into contact with members of each of these groups, every day.

Why it is important to engage

As a listed company we take care of our investors and the financial community.

Ways we engage

Providing detailed and transparent communication of financial and operational results; engaging in direct dialogue with investors through participation in roadshows, conferences and meetings; dedicated IR website.

How often we engage

Quarterly and annual results publication and meetings; surveys; continuous direct contact

What matters most to them
  • transparent financial information;
  • turnaround in revenue, EBITDA and cash flow;
  • monetisation from network investment;
  • dividend prospects;
Why it is important to engage

Our customers are vital for the success of our business and we put them at the heart of everything we do.

Ways we engage

Dialogue with customers: listening & responding; customer satisfaction surveys, including NPS.

How often we engage

Continuous direct contact; regular customer opinion surveys (monthly, quarterly, annual and ad hoc)

What matters most to them
  • a reliable and resilient network;
  • good coverage;
  • safe services;
  • simple, transparent offers and pricing;
  • good convergent offer;
  • excellent customer service;
  • easy access to services;


Why it is important to engage

Engagement of adequately skilled and motivated employees plays a critical role in delivering excellent customer service and increasing long-term value generation.

Ways we engage

Employee training, and talent development; dialogue with employees: satisfaction survey; dialogue with Trade Unions.

How often we engage

Continuous direct contact; regular satisfaction surveys twice a year

What matters most to them
  • friendly and modern work environment;
  • competitive remuneration levels;
  • safety standards;
  • clear career path and motivation system;
  • opportunities for development;


Why it is important to engage

Building strategic alliances can help to ensure the quality of our network and broaden our portfolio of customer offers.

Ways we engage

One-on-one business meetings; agreements based on fair rules of co-operation.

How often we engage

Regular and on-going contact

What matters most to them

Transparent and fair rules of co-operation

Why it is important to engage

Suppliers and contractors impact on our ability to provide products and deliver services.

Ways we engage

Dialogue and building of long-term relations with suppliers; group assessment: opinion surveys; audit.

How often we engage

Regular and on-going contact; opinion surveys at least once a year

What matters most to them
  • fair treatment;
  • transparent rules of tenders and co-operation;
  • timely payment, favourable terms;
Why it is important to engage

As our industry is regulated, it is essential for us to establish and maintain constructive relationship with the regulator.

Ways we engage

Maintaining constructive dialogue with regulator; consultation process; dedicated reporting; meetings; participating in industry conferences.

How often we engage

Regular and on-going contact

What matters most to them
  • licensing and compliance;
  • quality of services and network performance;
  • wider access to broadband;
  • partnership in health and education;
  • investment in disadvantaged communities;


Why it is important to engage

Empowering local economies strengthens the socioeconomic context in which we operate.

Ways we engage

Co-operation with communities; programme partnership with educational and social institutions.

How often we engage

Regular and on-going contact

What matters most to them
  • investment in infrastructure;
  • social investment in communities;

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